May 10, 2012

Ad Campaign

Uncluttered Domain Inc. Animation

Uncluttered Domain Inc. -  Animation

Watch Video

Ad Campaign
- Used in Trade Show, as background for speaking engagements and on website.

Clientele: 2 main clients, Senior Citizens moving from houses to apartments and Hoarders that need help organizing house. 

My assignment: to find a way to attract the families of a very stubborn clientele. I was to present the many services UD provides and convince the potential customer that these services would be invaluable to their loved ones. 

My client: liked the idea of having a fun cartoon but she was afraid that it might look too young. She also wanted to stress that UD is a small company where customers deal directly with the owners. Therefore I came up with the solution to use real pictures rather than graphics. It gave the owners valuable face time so they became recognizable.

Purpose: Initially the video was created for a trade show (why its a loop) and for website use ( ). Then the owners spoke at a conference and put the video in the background. She told me that the video made a huge impact on her sales.

May 8, 2012


Chad Gadya

Assignment: Create a movie poster for a character in the Passover story.
Chad Gadya Sketch
Chad Gadya - Color

May 2, 2012

The Hands On Education Tool

Midrash Manicures - Nail Decals

Bringing Creativity back to Education

Shavuot Designs - Upcoming Jewish Holiday