Jun 28, 2013

Artmuse Nominated for 2013 Concierge Choice Awards

ArtMuse has just been nominated for the 2013 Concierge Choice Awards for “Sightseeing and Tours”. The winners will be announced at an Awards dinner on Monday, September 30th at the Boathouse in Central park.
Congratulations to Natasha Schlesinger and the rest of the Artmuse team. I'm so happy that I get to work with such amazing people and share in this honor.

Jun 26, 2013

The Smoke Bomb Warriors

I created this with Andrew Berger as part of his animation lessons. 
This movie is not meant to be a professional quality polished video.  
It is a 7 year old creation that we made together as I taught him the basics of animation.

 Gold star goes to whoever can tell me the story line - its actually really interesting if you can figure it out
(hint - Spy v. Spy)
(click read more 
for production design)

New Passover Card & Updated Decals

Jun 14, 2013

Artmuse Updates

Just updated the ArtmuseNY.com home page along with a bunch of other sections on the website. Check out what this awesome company (and my web design work). http://www.artmuseny.com/

Updated Hanukkah Decals and Header card

I have been working with Rabbi Yael Buechler from Midrash Manicures to create new and improved designs for her Midrash Manicures nail decal line.

I created all of the decals and packaging for the entire decal line.

To find out more check out: http://midrashmanicures.com/decals/